Sunday, August 30, 2009

Brain needs a break

Hey Gus... What are you doing?

Just got done watching Dr Tran. He’s a super action hero, if you didn’t know already.

That’s nice. Shouldn’t you be doing something productive?

Like what? Laborious homework? Laborious chores? Laborious labor longingly languishing low lest Lester learns of leotards with leopard leggings?

Sweet humping whales, what the Hell was that?

That’s what I call “originality,” my friend.

It’s diabolically stupid is what it is.

Why do you always insult me when I do something creative?

That wasn’t creative. You shat all over the English language and dry humped good taste like a horny English Terrier.

Did the dog use a condom at least?

Seriously, you need to stop talking now.

Fine…. What do you want then?

We need to work on our story.

Which one? The Skeletor story where he’s a philanthropist, the one where gigantic cats stomp around destroying Earth in the search for my catnip, or the story we tell the cops about where the bodies are.. oops.. I’ve said too much…

Umm, the first one. What’s the deal with the last one?

…Nothing. Movie I saw once. Starred Tara Reid, I think.

You would never purposely see a movie with her in it.

MST3K needs to do some recent movies.

I know, right? They could so make fun of Battlefield Earth, or Any of the horror movies to come out recently..

Or Schindler’s List.. Hee hee. So many opportunities for humor in that movie.

Ok, seriously. Your humor usually isn’t this bad, or insulting. Something going on that you’re not letting me in on?

…Well, I’m kind of tired. Maybe a little gassy. Do we have any Beano?

Might be up there next to your cologne in the bathroom.

Beano and coffee, friends at last!

So about the Skeletor story. How do you want it to start?

I’m thinking sexy intro with Evil-Lyn stripping in front of-

-Ok, I’m checking out for the rest of the eve. You should call your brother and play some Guitar Hero, since that doesn’t require a brain.

Hey, it’s hard to hit that damn orange button without you! I promise I won’t say anything derogatory or insulting for the next six hours.



Ok, good. Now what Tool songs do they have on that game?

Parabola, Vicarious and Schism. They really need Hooker with a Penis in this game.



  1. The guys that did MST3K DO still make fun of movies. It's called Rifftrax.

    Robby and I watch them all the time. It's awesome! :)

  2. Ok, you are moving forward. I liked the old "Englishman" So far so good. Heavy.
