Saturday, August 25, 2012

Fun Facts about Mot City, August 25th!

Good afternoon everyone!  Today's Fun Fact about our beloved city is brought to you by Local Crocs Union 313!  Join their union and get a free Croc T-shirt and all the tripe you can eat!  Crocs only, please.  Yes, we are racist.  Deal with it.  Local Crocs Union 313! 

Today's fact comes from us from a special guest.  Stanley Jones is a Representative of Middle Mot's district 17.  Mr. Jones also happens to be a Gator, one of the few non-human members on the Mot City Authority Council.  Mr. Jones has been on the council for ten rotations. We met with Mr. Jones outside of Bunch o' Beans, a local synthesized coffee shop in his district.  We asked him about the political system and what it is like to be one of the few non-human members of the Council.  Here are the fun facts he provided to us:

You know, this coffee is quite horrible.  Does anyone know what type of synthesizer they have?  It needs a serious tweaking.  I need to find a new place that stirs in more blood into the water.  It's so weak.  Sometimes I wonder what the coffee tastes like in Lower Mot, where they actually have the money and space to grow coffee crops...

Oh, sorry to go off on a small tangent.  So you want to know what again?.... ah.  Okay then.  I'll tell you what it's like inside the system.  

I'd like to pretend that I am doing some good for my district, but the human-run council rarely asks for my input.  Wait... let me back up real fast and explain something real fast.  There are fifty districts across all of Mot City.  There are approximately thirty million humans, two million Crocs and a million Gators, give or take.  Non-human species are obviously in the minority both in the general population and within the Council.  Aside from myself, there are two Crocs who represent Upper Mot districts.  That's it.  Three out of fifty. 

So, yeah.  We rarely get to say anything.  I think they like to show us off to the people as a sign of progress, but we never actually get to do anything.  Mostly I just sit there and wait for my hand to be called upon for a vote on something.  Occasionally I meet with Governor Bolgerd, but that is very rare these days. 

What was that?...Yeah, I used to think my job was about doing something good.  After being ignored for so many years, it starts to wear at you, you know?  Now I just try and milk the system for my own personal gain, pretending to fight for my district while taking bribes from corporate and mob interests.  It makes life more bearable.  

Wait.. are you recording this?  You little shit!  Turn your holorecorder off or I will eat you I swear-

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