Thursday, August 23, 2012

Fun Facts about Mot City, August 23rd

Today's Mot City Fun Fact is brought to you by Virtual Convenience Stores: No one virtually microtoasts burritos like Virtual Convenience!

Today's fun fact came from a young human by the name of Flass.  Flass is a detective for the Middle Mot Major Crimes Unit.  We caught up to him outside the detective headquarters buying a tube of meat-like product for lunch from a robotic vendor. Here is what he had to say:

So you want to know about the inter-species gang war between the Crocs and the Gators, eh?  Let me tell you what I know.  

No one knows how it all started.  Some suspect it goes all the way back to the beginning.  I'm talking millions of years.  Some sort of split along genetic lines, I don't know.  One rumor is no better than the other.  Some say it was a war over star-crossed lovers, while others think it's all about proving dominance.  I don't know for sure. All I know is that the blood runs deep between races, and when needed, that blood also drips down the streets of Mot and splatters its pattern all over the walls.  

The Gators...Upper class gangs, if that makes any sense.  They reside mostly in Lower Mot and run a good portion of the Middle.  They run money laundering, cyber-hacking and upper class drugs.  You heard of that new drug, V-87?  It's supposed to enhance holo-devices, make them seem more real.  It's all the rage.  Created by the Gators, and addictive as shit.  As for the Crocs... Well, cheap drugs, illegal wrestling and prostitution are all signs of a middle to lower-class mafia.  They are all over Upper Mot and war constantly with the Gators in Middle Mot.  

I suspect the mutual hatred combined with the desire to control Middle Mot is what has caused so much violence and death.  There is little sense in it, but humans can be just as racist and bigoted as these two races.  The difference is the level of violence we feel, I guess.  That and we don't eat those who get in our way.  Something to consider.  

Anyway, I'm gonna eat my tube of meat now.  We good?  Have a nice day, and enjoy the synthesized sunlight. 

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