Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Fun Facts about Mot City, August 21st!

Today's fun fact about our wonderful city is brought to you by Pharglaxote: synthesizing your organs for eventual replacement for fifty years.  Trust your organs to Pharglaxote!

Today's fun fact is written by a wonderful human named Sturgid, who we met outside of Slippery Vance's Puke and Punch, a local dive bar in Upper Mot:

Yeah, I got a fact for ya.  I found out something today.  Did you know that there are holes between levels?  Yeah, that's right.  Upper Mot, which is where I live you know, has holes all over the god-damned floor that lead into Middle Mot.  I got a friend who knows the holes, and gets paid credits to show the Crocs these holes, man.  He says the Crocs use the holes to escape and find ways to get past the police.  Dealing drugs, man.  They also run all the credits through the illegal wrestling matches through these gaps, man.  It's cool as shit.  They lead down tubes that take the Crocs to safety. 

My friend's got a map of it all, on his holo-implants.  He says he's gonna have enough money soon to buy his way to Middle Mot.  Lucky bastard, finding a way out of this shithole.  I'm tired of the leaky roof and the water that tastes like filtered urine.

Say, you got any change?  I traded my rationed water for some credits to buy synth booze.  Please?  Come on man.  I gave you a fact, you jerkweed!

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