Saturday, December 8, 2012

Fun Facts about Mot City, December 8

                Today’s Fun Facts About Mot City is brought to you by Jaeg Soda: It’s Not Poison, We Promise!  Today’s Fun Fact comes to us from a meeting with one of the Adult Club owners in Upper Mot!  His name is Preat, and he’s a Croc!  He is a forty-year old Croc who runs the (club name removed for everyone's safety: ed) with all the scars to prove it!  We asked him what fun fact he would like to bring up for this coffee table book, and here was his response. 
                “You want what now?  A fun fact about Mot City?  Fun?  What’s wrong with you?  There’s nothing fun about living in this shit-stain of a city.  Eat or be eaten.  Gun down or be gunned down.  Fun ain’t what we do here, you understand me?  It’s hard living, right?  We ain’t got nothing here except what we earn, and that aint’ much.  Fun isn’t in our vocabulary, see?  So here’s what you are gonna do.  You’re gonna let everyone know who buys your shitty coffee table book that it’s a squalid Hell we live in with no fun, you see?  And if I buy a copy of your book and you don’t have this quote in there, I am going to hunt you down and eat your intestines.   So you take your little electronic recorder, and your fancy ass camera, and get the Hell out of my face before I get really angry!”  

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