Saturday, October 20, 2012

Mitt Romney's evil twin brother confuses public, causes problems for the Romney Campaign

SALT LAKE CITY, UT - Van Romney, Mitt Romney's evil twin brother, is to blame for the recent move to the center-right of the political spectrum, according to the Mitt Romney campaign.  According to the campaign incorrect instructions were emailed and printed out for the maps to the last two debates.  The plot was so complex that even the campaign's smartphones provided incorrect directions to the debate locations, though this could easily be blamed on Apple's poor Maps application.

"Mitt Romney is still against everything his evil stand-in brother said during the last two debates," a Romney spokesperson said on CNN.  "Van has an extreme amount of wealth and power thanks to his work at Bain Capital working with Mitt." 

Doctor's reports show that Van has what is called the "evil gene" which exists in about 1 percent of all twins born in the United States.  For a number of years he was hidden from the public, his family ashamed of his abundance of evil.  He was let out long enough to graduate from high school and go to Harvard to pursue his goals to become an evil corporate genius.  After graduating he spent years reading up on how to become an evil genius before his brother called and asked him to help start a new company. 

"I taught everything Mitt knows about being an evil corporate genius," Van said during a Facetime video conference call.  "How else can you explain his actions?  I taught him to bankrupt companies and rake in millions.  Did I get a thank you?  A fruit gift basket?  A spiral ham in the mail?  No.  I didn't get anything from him.  So now, it's my plan to ruin his persona so everyone can accuse him of lying about everything he has said for the last two years.  I will not fail!"  Van then laughed maniacally for thirty seconds before petting his evil cat and ending the call.

It is not known if Van will succeed in convincing the American public of this ruse.  What is known is recent polls suggest President Obama has maintained his leads in important swing states, suggesting that Van may get his wish in stunting the political goals of his brother, fulfilling his need to be evil. 

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