Saturday, September 5, 2009

Here comes the Brain: Rebels are attacking the base!

Hey Gus...

What's happenin', Brain?

Oh, you know, listening to Muse, trying to decide whether I want another cup of coffee.. contemplating the fact that tomorrow we will be thirty years old. That's old, foshizzle.

No it's not. You're overreacting. And whining. You're also complaining about an arbitrary date.

Huh? How so?

Birthdays are just made up. I mean, look at dog years. How many years would we be in dog years?

Umm..133 years old.

Holy Hell! Time to collect Social Security, Bitches!
You idiot. First, you're not a dog, and secondly, you're not 133 years old.

Why do you have to piss on my parade?

I think the term is raining on your parade.

No, cause God like to pee all over my parades.

...That's disturbing. Anyways, what are you doing?

Playing Bejewled Blitz on Facebook.

...So you're procrastinating.

No, I'm playing a game. Duh.

Don't you have stuff to do today?

Eventually. It's not even 12:30 yet.

What does that have to do with anything? If you have stuff that needs doing, now's the time.

I'm not ready. Besides, you're over there, contemplating again. Contemplate this, drink that, shove this up.. whoops.. said to much.

You, sir, are disgusting.

Oh, come on. I'm just kidding.

Are you?


That's what I thought. Well, instead of farting around on Facebook, why don't we work on that story idea you have floating around in the ether?

Speaking of ether, I saw Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas on Hulu last night. Man, that is one screwed up movie.

Yeah, I was there. I had flashbacks, flashbacks of pure evil...

Bah. Our pot-smoking days were all in good fun.

You practically killed me.

No, I just made you less effective for a while. Now look at you! You can comprehend full sentences again, and even contemplate the universal properties of glue sticks.

Like gluing someone's buttcheeks together?

Exactly! See, that's knowledge you can use!

I'll make sure to put that on my resume. Anyways, let's make more coffee, and write a bit.

You're the boss.

If I'm the boss, how come I don't get a comfy chair?

Umm.. Rebel forces attacking our base! They stole our chair.

...Rebel Scum...

1 comment:

  1. Ya, work on that story idea. It sounds better than farting around on FB any day.
