Sunday, November 4, 2012


So I have decided there needs to be a new term for those who seek political office.

Clusterf**king.  Think about the possible uses when talking about politics!

"My name is Mitt Romney, and I am clusterf**king for the President of the United States!"

Hitler Meme agrees with me. 
"My opponent claims he didn't mean to call me a racist bag of rotten cheese, but I know he's just clusterf**king.  It's how this game is played."

"When I clusterf**ked four years ago this country was on the brink of economic collapse.  Look how far we have come!"

It can be interchanged for "running," "ran," "playing politics," among some examples.  I think we should call Fox News and get their pundits to use the same language. 

"Mitt Romney doesn't really believe that babies come from God's Tears," Hannity spewed.  "He's clusterf**king so he can relate to the moderates of this country."

When you include the idea that our political system is just one gigantic clusterf**k, it makes sense for politicians to use this term more when talking about politics.