Monday, March 19, 2012

Gus' Poetry Hour Starring High School Gus, Poem 2

I call this one, "Well, Someone's Gotta Die." 

Shadows reign across the land.
All I own you hold in your hands.
Sand falls like hail from your delicate fingers.
All that I realized it still malingers.

Fragile bones, so brittle and twisted,
Devouring all I hope to be resisted.
The hourglass of hope, full of light,
Now fill itself with the darkness of night.

And still I sit, watching you burn,
Seeing your mind and soul twist and turn.
Scream out loud, the Gods cannot hear you!
Deny them the sacrifice fit to be true!

The clouds become black, so fitting now,
That you've rebelled against the why and the how.

Stare me down,
I'll make you drown
In the footsteps of pain,
Where you will grow insane,
And cry for the blood red sky. 

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Gus' Poetry Hour, Starring High School Gus

For your viewing pleasure (or for laugh-out-loud hilarity), here is a poem from a journal I kept during High School.

None of these are titled so I'm gonna make up titles as I post these. 

Something about Ham.  

Teach me what you've learned.
I'm just a bit concerned
You have a short time to teach.

Your life is simple and plain,
But mine is hard to contain. 
I've got a short time to learn.

I can't understand what you say.
You've mumbled every word today.
We've got a short time to see.

Anger begins to scorch my eyes.
Now you're teaching little white lies.
We've got a short time to live.

Panic hits me hard in my chest,
You are full of shameful unrest.
Life gave up on me. 
You on the other hand, laugh.

You can still see.