Saturday, December 26, 2009

My writing goals

I'm writing down my goals for what I want to accomplish with my novel in the near future. Thought it might help to stay on track.

1. To finish Chapter three completely this weekend.
2. To write 5000 words a week.
3. Describe and analyze my vision and Heaven and Hell.
4. Make fun of the right-wing wacko religious nutbags in my book.
5. Decide if I want God to come back in the end. Not to stop it all from happening, but just because.
6. Figure out how to work in the destruction of the Mormon temple into my novel.
7. Complete the first edit by June.
8. Send the first draft to family and select friends.
9. Final draft by the end of summer.
10. Get published within 12 months after the final draft.
11. ???
12. Profit.

What this also means is I may not post as much of the story as I go. I do plan to post hints and I will of course post snippets here and there.

I really want this blog to be the story of my journey of finalizing something I find very profound and remarkably hard to do. Finishing a novel is not an easy task, and I hope with the support of friends and family I can complete it.

On a much lighter side, everyone have a Happy New Years! Look for a snippet of Chapter three within the week!
